Madalaine Munro, Sexologist

Online Coaching
created for Couples.

Couples Coaching is for those who are perhaps are at a crossroads - either your relationship deepens or you are ready for the next level with each other.

This is coaching woven together from over a decade of healing and personal development, the most pioneering training in sexuality, trauma, intimacy and relationships.

Sexology Coaching is curated around you. We tailor it to meet your needs, going at the pace to suit you, and to support your highest evolution. To help you create what you never imagined was possible.

To welcome parts of yourself that you may have abandoned, embodying that you are lovable, worthy and whole just as you are.

Safety is the first step to pleasure

It’s time to

Develop the next level of intimacy

Remember who you are individually and together

Release old patterns in your relationship that are keeping you stuck

As individuals, we grow, expand and evolve, and so it's understandable that our relationship will change too. Ideally, it grows and evolves to meet the next versions of ourselves and sometimes, this can be challenging because it is based in agreements, expectations and ways of communication that no longer serve us.

This container is to designed to support you in letting go of the previous way relating, and step forward into the highest version of yourelf and and see what this next level of relationship looks like for you both.

Our anchor will be focusing on nervous system resilience and regulation, which when we tend to upgrades your entire life. We will tend to the somatic responses that arise as we tune in to where this currrent version of your relationship may or may not be serving you. We will unpack embodied subconscious attachment dynamics, communication styles and regulation tehcniques to suppport a transformation of you individually and then consciously create relationship from these next versions of you.

Couple’s Coaching is for you if

  • You find yourself stuck in the same arguments or patterns

  • You feel like a rut in your relationship

  • You feel disconnected from sex with your partner

  • You feel like you keep meeting the same roadblocks or challenges in your relationship
  • There certain topics or issues that you avoid discussing with your partner to avoid conflict
  • You feel like it's make or break for your relationship
  • You have noticed a decrease in emotional intimacy in your relationship

  • There are there unresolved conflicts that keep resurfacing in your relationship?
  • You feeling unsupported or neglected by your partner in certain aspects of your life?
  • You have noticed a decrease in physical affection or sexual intimacy in your relationship?
  • There are unresolved past hurts or traumas that are impacting your relationship now
  • You feeling unfulfilled in your relationship and unsure of what to do?

Love for the process

"I now feel more connected to my body, my needs in relationship and my truth. I felt totally safe and guided with love and wisdom."

Coaching Session


These one-off sessions are designed to support you as deeply as possible in a personalised way.

Before our call, I will send you a welcome package that will include questions to support your journey and allow us to make the most of our time working together.

After completing the welcome package, we will have our call. This time is for you - whatever you choose to bring.

We will explore what you bring in a gentle, loving and compassionate way. We will create deeper awareness around the topic, feel what this topic may bring up, and illuminate ways we can move forward in the most supportive way for you and your healing.

A coaching session with Madalaine includes

  • Welcome Package - this is an intake form to create a backdrop to the session, building onto the experience of the actual call.

  • 90-minute coaching call.

  • Reflection Package - a follow-up email and aftercare and advice to follow, curated especially for you and your needs.

Have a question? Feel free to check out our FAQ’s here.

If you decide to continue healing with me on a personalised programme, the cost of your initial session will be reimbursed.

"Madalaine has a way of tying up so many threads in a coherent and empowering way that allowed me to see my strengths as well as tap into appreciation for my vulnerabilities."

Personalised Programme


This programme is designed for sustainable, long term, trauma-informed growth. It runs over 4 months to allow you to have the space and time to book in sessions at your own time. I recommend sessions every two weeks, to allow time for integration while creating momentum.

We will start with a 2-hour intake session, during which we will take the time for me to get to know you deeply. From here, I will create a personalised programme for you.

Pre- Program

1 x individual 30 min consultation
Individual intake form

Month 1

1 x 2 hour couples intake session
1 x 90 minute couple’s session
1 x 90 minute individual session each
WA support in between sessions
Embodiment Practices

Month 2 , 3, 4

2 x 90 minute couple’s session
1 x 90 minute individual session
WA support in between sessions
Embodiment Practices