Madalaine Munro, Sexologist

Get my Heal with Pleasure online group coaching programme.

Get my early bird offer for a limited time only!

Heal with Love
Sale Price:£1,200.00 Original Price:£1,500.00

An online group coaching programme with leading sexologist and relationship therapist, Madalaine Munro.

A transformational programme for women looking to heal their relationship with intimacy, pleasure and sexuality. This course will help women to overcome any pain they have experienced in the past and come home to their body as a place of unconditional love. During this program, you will begin healing their nervous systems, transforming their relationship to themselves, their bodies and pleasure. You will understand how to heal your attachment patterns, heal from past trauma, increase your self worth, and the skills to create relationships that honour the incredible woman you are.

Those who join will be held in a held and supportive environment and will be part of a nurturing group of like minded women. The programme will include coaching calls, ceremonies, workshops with guest teachers, and support group sessions. It will take place June 18th or 19th 2024 - 30/31st August with live calls on Wednesdays 5-7pm GMT or Wednesdays 10.30am-12.30pm. Bonus call times will be shared at the beginning of each module.

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Heal with Pleasure - Dive Deeper

Get everything from the standard programme PLUS

Monthly 1:1 sessions with Madalaine to support you more deeply in your journey.

These 4 x 90 minute sessions will help to take your transformation to the next level with bespoke support and trauma resolution.

A transformational programme for women looking to heal their relationship with intimacy, pleasure and sexuality. This course will help women to overcome any pain they have experienced in the past and come home to their body as a place of unconditional love. During this program, they will begin healing their nervous systems, transforming their relationship to themselves, their bodies and pleasure.

Those who join will be held in a held and supportive environment and will be part of a nurturing group on the same path as one another. The programme will entail coaching calls, ceremonies, workshops with guest teachers, and support group sessions. It will take place November 7th 2023 -13th February 2024. At £3000 with Monthly installments from £500 available.

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Payment plans are available.

Follow the link below to email Madalaine and find out more.

Unsure about which
package to go for?

Book a FREE consultation with me
to discuss the course in more detail!