Ready for fulfilling sex, intimacy and relationships?

I am so happy you are here - my 5 month programme Heal with Pleasure for women starts in October


As seen in

“I can hand on my heart say Madalaine Munro has been one of the biggest catalysts for change that has happened in my dating life.”

1-1 Client Testimonial

Madalaine Munro, Sexologist 

“I welcome all that you are, exactly as you are.”

I weave together pioneering science and ancient wisdom to help you resolve trauma, connect to your sexuality and create nourishing relationships. 

Working with people of all genders and sexual orientations to create greater intimacy and connection in their lives, and to move through any fears. I fuse together my training in Somatic Sexology, Psychosexual Somatic Therapy, Somatic Attachment Therapy and Trauma theory.

“I am blown away, I went from feeling numbness in my vulva to feeling pleasure again.”

1-1 Client Testimonial

“She's incredibly understanding, totally non-judgemental and amazingly talented.”

1-1 Client Testimonial

You deserve healthy, mind-blowing , life - changing love.

You are here because you know you want more from the sex, intimacy and relationships than you’ve had.

There is more for you.

More pleasure, depth, ease, fulfilment, joy, kindness.

You are worthy of having it all.
And extra.

"I was able to share and explore parts of myself, my trauma, my shame, my self-judgement and unworthiness which I have not previously been able to shine a light on.”

1-1 Client Testimonial

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Ways to work with me

Group Coaching

Check my calendar for events, workshops or upcoming programmes that may be of interest to you!

One to one with Madalaine

Choose from one off sessions; 1, 3 or 5 month programmes.

Embodied Love Community

Join my exclusive Embodied Love membership program for transformative experiences to transform your experiences of pleasure, intimacy & relationships. 

Client Testimonial

“I felt more connected to my body, my needs in relationship and my truth. I felt totally safe and guided with love and wisdom. After our sessions together I have a renewed appreciation for myself and my path and I understand how to pace myself in relationships in a much more trauma aware and sensitive, self loving way.”

1-1 Client Testimonial